

  • {genius}:
    • an R package for accessing song lyrics in an analysis ready format.
  • {oysteR}:
    • An R package to search for package vulnerabilities in the Sonatype Nexus Open Source Software Index. My contributions include:
      • Creating functionality to search any requested package in all supported repository types (supports all possible purls).
      • Functionality to search packages in renv.lock and requirements.txt files for both R and Python packages.
      • Designing {pkgdown} site.
  • {spotifyr}:
    • {spotifyr} is an R package created by Charlie Thompson which provides access to the spotify API. My contributions include functionality for retrieving song lyrics and building in pagination to the get_playlist() function.
  • {bbcharts}:
    • a package for accessing the Billboard music charts.
  • {opensecrets}:


  • Urban Informatics Toolkit (uitk):
    • Urban Informatics Toolkit—currently being drafted—is the culmination of Master’s degree. This book introduces new students in urban informatics to R and fundamental concepts in the field.
  • R for Progressive Campaigns:
    • a cookbook to help progressive data managers build out their reporting, texting, among others using R. This short book assumes familiarity with the tidyverse.
  • Music Information Retrieval in R (mirr):
    • a case study on music information retrieval using {spotifyr}, {genius}, and {bbcharts}. Using {tidymodels} three genre classifiers are created—one based on lyrics, another on the audio features, and a third stacked ensemble model.